Defending bullies because you are fucktarded
No, not all bullies suffer. Not all of them are victims of bullying and not all of them are from abusive homes. Who do you think you are kidding?
A bully is someone whose idea of empowerment is punching others down; it is about power imbalance. Basically, growing up as a spoiled and entitled brat who is used to things done your way can also turn you into one. No traumas needed.
But, even if I believe such idiotic assertion, it still does not make any sense.
They suffer. Okay, so fucking what? How does that justify anything? Other people also suffer, some even have it way worse than the bullies do. The difference is they refuse inflict the pain they feel upon others… unlike the bullies, who won’t be at peace until they have inflicted it upon every single soul.
The thing is you can see those bullies as both the villains and the victims at the same time. But, for some reasons, you refuse: you want the world to feel sorry for them, you don’t want the world to condemn them.
And I have assumptions about why you do that.
You might be a complicit bystander or even a bully yourself. But, instead of relieving yourself of the guilt by admitting it and asking for forgiveness, you choose to pretend what you did was never bad in the first place.
You might think the victims are the real villains for provoking the bullying. You know, the kind of person who thinks being trivially different means you are asking to be bullied.
No, you cannot blame me for having those assumptions.
You are extremely angered by the backlashes against the bullies… while you are barely so by the bullying, if at all. It is more than enough to show you are on the bullies’ side and have always been.
Or you might be one of the weirdos who believe in Bothsideism AKA the belief that every single party involved in a conflict is equally right and/or equally wrong. You believe bullies and their victims are equally villainous and it infuriates you that many do not share your brain-dead neutrality.
If that’s the case, you are probably one of those “centrists” who believe Neo-Nazis and the “woke mob” are equally villainous.
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