How to ‘feel’ powerful?
*puts on a mask*
Yes, I said ‘feel’. Let’s face it, you know you are not powerful and will never be so! You will always be a pathetic bottom dweller that the upper dwellers will feast on! That’s a sad fact you have to accept!
But, that doesn’t mean you cannot ‘feel’ powerful. You can induce the feeling by fooling others and yourself about your make-believe power. Of course, I am talking about being a bully.
Before becoming one, you have to choose your victims. It always depend on where you are.
When at schools, you can pick on students who are poor, physically unfit or just plain different. When you see yourself as a member of society at large, you can pick on the ones who belong to marginalised groups like women, the poor, racial minorities, religious minorities, gender and sexual minorities and refugees. Basically, choose ones who most likely will not be protected by the authorities.
After you have determined your potential victims, you can start bullying them. Immediately, you will feel like a much more powerful! And trust me, you would not be the only one who senses your actually-non-existing power.
Indifferent bystanders, bullying apologists and even your victims will acknowledge its existence. In fact, the more your victims’ powerlessness intensifies, the more they will acknowledge it!
Oh, and apologists are your best friends! Not only they will defend your right to bully because they don’t see anything wrong with the bullying, they will also condemn or even punish your victims for having the dignity to fight back! Trust me, those apologists tend to be influential wherever they are. Their words are often taken for granted.
But, even if you don’t have apologists to back you up, rhetoric can be your weapon. You can defend yourself by slandering your victims.
Tell everyone that the weird kids in school will grow up as serial killers!
Tell everyone that the gender and sexual minorities are perverts who want to molest our children and/ recruit them to their perverted lifestyles!
Tell everyone that the poor are the ones who hold the economies down because they are greedy animals who oppress the rich!
Tell everyone that empowering women and members of the minorities will lead to men and members of the majority becoming second-class citizens!
Tell everyone that refugees are nothing but a bunch of cowardly rapists and ISIS, MS13 Trojan horses!
Tell everyone that your victims, NOT you, are the ones who commit atrocious acts of inhumanity against their fellow human beings!
Trust me, there will be people who take your words for granted.
And yes, it is that easy to feel powerful.
*takes off the mask*
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