How you — a member of the privileged majority — should treat the minorities

The Stammering Dunce
2 min readJan 24, 2022


Also published on Wordpress.

*puts on a mask*

First thing first, simply refuting extreme claims about bigotry in your country is not enough. You should completely deny that it ever exists!

Why? Because, if you want something to come true, all you have to do is to believe! The more you believe your country is bigotry-free, the more likely it will be so! It is the secret!

A country is full of bigotry because we don’t enough have positive thinking!

Second, you should listen to everything what minorities have to say. But, that does not mean you should consider all of their experiences valid.

You should pick them apart, categorise them by how much they appease you. If they dare to say anything negative about your beloved country, they are the bad ones.

You can also test them and there are two ways of doing it. You can do it “nicely” by asking mean-spirited questions; they can be questions that frame them as perpetual foreigners (e.g. “where are you really from?”) or questions that perpetuate guilty by association (e.g. “why don’t you condemn Islamic extremism/Chinese Communist Party/etc.?”).

If sounding polite is too much work for you, you can test them aggressively by explicitly hurl slurs and violent threats at them.

If they react negatively towards the former, accuse them of being snowflakes who cannot handle legitimately curious questions (even though the questions are clearly made out of ill intent). With the latter, accuse them of trying to taking away your freedom of speech (even though their responses is them practicing their freedom of speech).

If they rebuke you calmly, rebuke them back for being too emotional. If they give you witty comebacks, rebuke them for being mean-spirited and even bigoted against you.

Overall, gaslight the hell out of them. Make them feel like they are the aggressors simply because they demand to be treated like human beings.

If you haven’t guessed, good minorities are those who willingly become our lap dogs, who willingly accept their fate as second-class citizens. They are willing to endure any abuse we hurl at them because they know deserve it.

It is their fault for choosing the wrong religions, ethnicities, sexualities, genders and races. It is their fault for not choosing the right ones.

You — the privileged majority — are the ones with the right labels. Therefore, not only you should feel good about your identities, you must actively tout them as the only morally upright ones.

If you have self-respect, you must behave like a supremacist.

*takes off the mask*






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The Stammering Dunce
The Stammering Dunce

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