Older people are “creepy” about age gap
Yes, that’s a clickbait. I don’t actually believe that sentence. Unfortunately, when it comes to the following Huffpost article, its title is sincere.
About four days ago (by the time I started writing this), Huffpost published an article titled “Why is Gen Z weird about relationship age gaps?”.
No, I don’t believe having significantly younger partners is innately predatory. What makes you predatory is your strict preferences for significantly younger romantic and/or sexual partners, young enough for you to exploit as you desire.
But, I also despise the writer’s off-putting perspective. I despise how she frames Gen Z as hysterical and chronically online….. simply for having higher standards of social conducts and boundaries.
And this article is not even the worst part.
I saw this posted on my Facebook newsfeed. The comment section was…. something.
There were older people who called out the so-called inconsistency. Those younglings want to do adult things like voting and going to wars… and yet, they also think they are too young to be romantically and sexually pursued?
To say it gives me an ick is an understatement.
First, if it wasn’t for the conscripts, aimless youths, people who want to escape their hometowns and people chasing the financial benefits, I guarantee any armed forces would be a lot smaller.
And no, I don’t believe many of those soldiers are actually patriotic. Seriously, how many of those so-called patriots have tried enlisting? If they “truly love their countries”, why don’t they enlist, regardless of the likely rejections?
Second, they sure sound resentful about allowing the young people to vote.
In other words, if you combine those two points, they hate having less power over them.
They find it harder to exploit the youths as political tools, have them as “trophy partners” and, worse, their personal sex toys. They find it harder to control and gaslight them, especially when the youth voices are more politically consequential than ever.
If that’s not the case, those particular older people would have responded differently.
Simply asserting that not all age-gap relationships are predatory would have sufficed. Instead, they falsely declare that every young person dreams of dying for their governments and then complain about them having voting rights.
Is it persuasive? Maybe not. But, it certainly isn’t bitter and downright creepy.