Remember the Mr Beast blind controversy?
Yeah, can you motherfuckers just be intellectually honest for once? No one and I mean no one are hating on him simply for helping blind people.
They hate him because they believe he is not being sincere and he exploited those people just for clout. They believe that if he is actual sincere, he wouldn’t feel the need to advertise his philanthropy and he certainly wouldn’t use that visually jarring thumbnail.
Personally, I am one of the people who believe he was being sincere. But, I also cannot blame people for being cynical about it. I mean, the thumbnail and the bragging? They remind people of exploitative, poverty-porn content which also exists in the media, including Youtube.
Oh and virtue signaling and exploitation exist. Believe it or not, some humans can be entirely driven by self-interest and have zero regards about others’ well-being. And those humans exploit your craving for feelgoodism.
Some of you argue Mr. Beast wouldn’t be able to donate if it wasn’t for such videos. But, that is not true, is it?
I mean, where do you think he gets his money from? It is clear that before he started giving money away and covered people’s medical expenses, he was already rich from his youtube endeavour. He is more than capable to be charitable without capitalising on it.
And I still haven’t talked about the second reason why people are angry.
They are angry at the system. They are angry that the government and/or the society fail to take care of the most vulnerable; in this case, the most vulnerable ones have to become a rich influencer’s content in order to get the care they need.
They are angry at him for perpetuating the status quo. But, they also believe the problem is very much macro and he is just a mere detail. And yes, politics is everybody’s problem; no matter how apathetic you are, it still affects your life and will always do. You better care about fixing the system because there is no guarantee you won’t end up on the bottom rung of society.
Maybe I am just being a woke radical postmodern marxist communist feminist libtard here. But, I believe humans have the right to be taken care of and not getting ourselves exploited for it, humans should help each other without expecting anything in return…
… And I also believe just because something feels good, that does not mean it actually is.
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