“They live rent-free in your heads!”

The Stammering Dunce
2 min readOct 14, 2023


Also published on Wordpress.

There are times when supporters of certain politicians love to mock the detractors as obsessive haters who let those politicians living rent-free in their heads. It is interesting they choose such mockery because it doesn’t discredit us, the haters, it only discredit them, the supporters.

It shows how they know nothing about how life works.

Here’s the thing about the life: it is all about interconnectedness and nothing lives in a vacuum. You influence other people’s lives and they influence yours; depending on your statuses, there may be power imbalances.

If you are a public figure, whether it is intentional or not, you will always exert influences to the masses. Being one means there will always be people who look up to you as sources of inspirations.

If you are a politician, you exert even more influences. Not only you can establish the unwritten rules, you can also establish the written ones.

Unlike the unwritten ones, the written rules are official and the existence of the alternatives are strictly prohibited; unless you are wealthy, powerful and/or well-connected, you can never evade them.

Basically, not only “letting politicians live-rent free in our heads” is very much reasonable, using that insult is an admission of what kind person you are: a personality so childish, you still think politics is just a harmless and fun game.

If that is not the case, you insinuate your idols’ ability to exert influences is almost non-existent, to the point where they are just as influential as Z-list celebrities, if not less.

You insinuate they are nobodies, too irrelevant to have “haters”.






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The Stammering Dunce
The Stammering Dunce

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